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Barnsligt Gott

En blogg om kost, hälsa, en liten dos träning och hur man ger sina barn sunda vanor. Om balans i tillvaron och hur man lyckas med familjemiddagen trots olika behov hos varje familjemedlem. Och om mig. Pernilla.

Kategori: Windows

Optimize Utorrent Experience 16 Easy Utorrent Settings


My broadband internet connection is about 2 mbps speed, but when i download any data it gives only 300 Kbps. Let us know which trick worked best for you to increase torrent speed? Comment below if you know any more tips and tricks to improve uTorrent download speed. If you are thinking to download a […]

Niu Accountids And Passwords


Rationale is that these letters are used in languages other than German . German text transliterated without the extra ”e” is much more readable than other languages transliterated using German rules. With Japanese and Chinese this is even more evident because the same letter can have very different transliterations depending on the language it is […]

How To Use Delay, Echo, And Reverb In Audacity


It is important there be no smallest spike in this background noise chunk. If you want to change the bit rate using another compressed file type, such as OGG or an M4A file, the steps are similar. Just select the file type you want from the ”Format” menu and select ”Options” to change the bit […]